Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ordinary General Meeting of Zurich approves dividend of CHF 17.00 – Monica Maechler elected to the Board of Directors

The Ordinary General Meeting of Zurich Insurance Group Ltd (Zurich) today approved an unchanged dividend of CHF 17.00 per registered share, resulting in a payout ratio of net income of 70%. As this year’s dividend payment will again be paid from the capital contribution reserves, it will be exempt from Swiss withholding tax. The dividend will be paid starting April 11, 2013.

The Ordinary General Meeting newly elected Monica Maechler to the Board of Directors. It also re-elected Susan Bies for a further term of office of three years as well as Victor L.L. Chu and Rolf Watter for a one year term of office. Armin Meyer, who has served the maximum tenure of office, retires from the Board of Directors. In its constituent meeting held after the General Meeting the Board of Directors re-elected Josef Ackermann as Chairman and Tom de Swaan as Vice-Chairman.

The Board of Directors now consists of the following members:

Josef Ackermann, Chairman Tom de Swaan, Vice-Chairman Susan Bies Alison Carnwath Victor L.L. Chu Rafael del Pino Thomas K. Escher Fred Kindle Monica Maechler Don Nicolaisen Rolf Watter

PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Zurich, was re-elected as auditor for the business year 2013.

Furthermore, Zurich conducted an advisory vote on its remuneration system. In the non-binding vote, shareholders voted in favor of the remuneration system with 85.5% favorable votes.

The General Meeting also approved all other agenda items. 2,232 shareholders (incl. proxies), representing 57,053,601 registered shares or 58.3% of the shares entitling to vote, attended the meeting in Zurich.

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